A few days ago, a meeting was organized at the Main Directorate of Protection of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan between the Federation of Functional All-Around and a number of sports organizations, at which issues related to the development and popularization of all-around were discussed.
The event was attended by the Chairman of the Functional All-Around Federation, Deputy Commander of the National Guard Colonel Mamirzhon Ganiev, members of the Federation and representatives of a number of large sports organizations such as Tribe, BukaGym, Akhmat, 998. In order to further improve the functional all-around, popularize this sport among young people, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with these sports organizations.
The meeting will bring the functional all-around to a new level, create new clubs in the regions, find young talents in this sport that requires strength, will and endurance, prepare new champions, organize national and international competitions, and create favorable conditions for athletes. A number of urgent tasks to further strengthen the material and technical base were also identified.